Travel Massive

I went to a Travel Massive meet up. And I had a great time.

I heard about Travel Massive through Evelyn Hannon, who encouraged me to go to a meeting last week. I’m so glad I went. It’s an amazing group of travel bloggers (and people in the travel industry) who get together to talk shop and basically have all the coolest people in Toronto in one room (that’s not how they advertise themselves, but it might as well be). Since everyone was a traveller and had been new to the group at one point (and, more importantly, remembered having been new to the group), they were all super nice, and I met some really cool people.

The folks at the meet up came from various backgrounds. Some had full time non-travel-related jobs and blogged part time, others made a living off of blogging (or close to), and some worked for big travel companies, like G Adventures. We talked about everything from getting started, to best trip, to worst trip, to dream destination, and everything in between. I realized that one of the most important things to remember when trying to become a successful (or at least competent) travel blogger is to keep going.

Stuff won’t just fall into my lap; I’ve got to dedicate a significant amount of time to pursuing this. I also have to get my name out there – this is not something I’m great at. I really am going to have to start being better at staying in touch with contacts, asking for help and advice, and self-promoting. However, to be fair, I feel like I am hampered by the fact that I don’t have internet at my house, and am forced to go to libraries or coffee shops whenever I want to get online. It’s definitely a minor problem (#firstworldproblems anyone?), but it’s getting bigger.

You’re probably thinking – duh. That’s the same for anything. And I know that, but sometimes I just need someone to point the obvious out to me.

3 thoughts on “Travel Massive

  1. I think you write a really good blog. You would do well in that area if that was your choice. Also, it gives you the chance to see the rest of the world. I read a lot of blogs from other Canadians that travel out of the country, and Your blogs are just right up there with the best of them. Keep up the good work, we’re all proud of you.

  2. Hey Kat,

    Thanks for sharing your story, and I’m so happy to hear that you were glad you went!

    Welcome to #travelmassive and remember to connect with us on your journeys and hopefully you can catch an event in another city around the world some time!


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